Photo of Céline Lambert France
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After a first career as a theater director, Céline Lambert devoted herself fully to sculpture, her passion, in 2018. While continuing to take portraits, which she particularly liked, she gradually began to directs towards the animal world, wishing mainly to reconnect with her own spontaneity by observing them, but also by trying to sublimate their pure, uncalculated tenderness.

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2020, 14ème Biennale d'art animalier Rambouillet (France)
  • 2020, Exposition Art3f, porte de Versailles (Paris)
  • 2020, Galerie Roz et Winkler, Barbizon

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11.02 x 14.17 in
21.65 x 21.26 in

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After a journey through the theatrical world as an actress and director, Céline decided to change her path and devote herself fully to sculpture, her passion, in 2018.

It is naturally that she is gradually moving towards the animal world. Animals allow her to reconnect with her life drive, her spontaneity and her enthusiasm. They also echo her very instinctive way of handling the earth. It is above all their tenderness, necessarily pure because impossible to simulate, that touches her and that she wishes to sublimate.

In addition, directing groups is a logical continuation of his career and his taste for the theater and the expression of feelings.

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